Hiatusing Maybe

March 8, 2011
It's fairly interesting to me that when I really focus on getting new nonfiction writing business and really focus on my existing nonfiction writing business that I get really, really busy and as a result, tend to make a lot of money (well, plenty, let's say, since I can't quite define "a lot.")
If I compare that to my fiction writing, what I've found is that with my fiction writing, when I really, really concentrate on it, I have a lot of fun, get a lot written, but there's absolutely no difference whatsoever in what gets published or in my income level.
That's rather anecdotal, granted, but if I were to chart it out with nice and pretty graphs, I'm fairly certain it would prove out.
So, since I got a new client, did his gig, and he came back with three more at the same price range, possibly have hooked into a major new client to replace the one I seem to have lost (that last year gave me almost $60,000 worth of work), and have a couple other possible new clients, I might be scarce around here. And besides, I haven't really had much to say lately.
So just pretend that I'm on a tropical beach somewhere drinking an umbrella drink while lounging on a hammock. I'm not, but if I keep it up, maybe I can afford to. So maybe it's a hiatus. And maybe it isn't. Maybe I'll be soon struck with inspiration and want to blather on here. Who knows?
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