Mark Terry

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


January 19, 2010
Well, my agent got back to me and said she didn't like it, didn't feel it was at the same level as my other work (which I disagree with).


Beats me. I'm not pissed. I just had to roll my eyes, because I have yet to show her an incomplete work she liked.

I do know this. I've got 6-8 weeks to write a very long market research report that's getting off to a slow start. I've got a nonfiction book manuscript to finish by the end of April that's only 20-25% completed, if that. I've got miscellaneous other writing things to deal with.

So maybe I'll focus on paying gigs and set aside writing fiction on spec for a while. Or not.

Oh, and if you didn't visit the provocative agent blog post, you should.


Blogger Jon VanZile said...

That sucks ...

But you're right: the very long, provocative agent post is definitely worth reading.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Mark Terry said...

Well, I did debate sending it to her simply because I knew there was a chance she wouldn't like it.

12:03 PM  
Blogger Spy Scribbler said...

Really? Aw, bummer, I'm sorry. Maybe you shouldn't send her anything incomplete, and if she doesn't like it then, then find another agent for that project.

But then you said she didn't like China Fire, so I'm naturally inclined to disagree with her. And naturally, I think I'm right. ;-)

12:07 PM  
Blogger ssas said...

Aw, sorry, Mark. Sometimes turning our attention to other projects lets the right one float to the top of the brain, though.

I liked the Provocative Post. I agreed with some of it, disagreed with other parts.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Eric Mayer said...

Exuse me if I already sent this. Something seemed to go weird....

That sucks. I don't like to show anyone what I'm doing because the slightest criticism will probably take the wind out of my sails. But in this case, if you know you're going to want to funnel it through your agent, it makes sense not to waste time. I can also see wanting to have some positive feedback to give you a reason to devote the time to the project. I guess at some point one asks whether they are on enough of the same wavelength as their agent or not.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Mark Terry said...

That's at least partly why I don't think being in a critique group would work well for me, because I find the actual writing part to be a fairly delicate process that can get run off the rails pretty easily. There's a lot to be said about trusting to your gut and just keepin' on.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Erica Orloff said...

That does suck.

But I do disagree about the crit group, only because if you spend the hours and put in the time . . . you're bringing a chapter or so a week/meeting, versus 180 pages all at once, and there is time to absorb and shape. Although it requires, definitely, an open mindset and a particular approach, I suppose. We all find what works for us.

ANYWAY . . . maybe it can be salvaged?


3:41 AM  

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