Dancing In The Dark
Dancing In The Dark
Not quite available, but there's the link to Amazon's Kindle Store.
Not quite available, but there's the link to Amazon's Kindle Store.
I'm told there are a number of formatting errors in this. For anyone who's bought it already, contact me at markterry@charter.net. For anyone planning to, hold off while I try to get this corrected. Sorry for any inconvenience.--June 10, 2009

by Mark Terry

by Mark Terry
Aw, I wanted to be your first customer! I'm not sure why. Well, it's good to be first in something.
I just downloaded it! Really cool how you got the book graphic to look like that. How did you do that?
Judy of http://www.jaebeecreations.com/ did the cover art. I think it looks great.
Thanks Natasha. I hope you like it. Tell all your Kindle friends--what a bargain!
I don't have a kindle, yet. But that is a great graphic. Just terrific. Be interesting see see how sales go.
By the way, I've been almost absent from reading/responding to blogs the past few days because we've had to change our ISP.
I really like what Judy did with your cover. She's done several great covers for me. It looks great. Good look with the Kindle.
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