A Day In The Life Of A Writer?

Not a typical day for a writer at all (thank god!)
6:30:Get up & keep Ian company while he gets off to school
6:50: Shower, etc.
7:30: Check e-mail.
7:45: Wake up Sean & get breakfast around. Leanne's home this week, so she took Frodo for a walk.
9:10: Left for airport.
10:30: Get to long-term parking at Detroit Metro.
10:50: Get boarding pass and shuffle through security.
11:10: Pick up some lunch--pizza. Poke around the bookstore, then settle down to read for a while.
11:55: Board plane
12:35ish: Leave the ground for Denver.
1:30 Mountain Time (3:30 EST): Land.
There is a lightning storm and the airport is shut down. They're not letting any crews get out on the tarmac to bring the planes on. Check voicemail. Call one of my clients and have this conversation about Medicare data. So we sit on the runway for...
3:00 MT: Get off the f***ing plane.
3:20 MT: Finally get the f***ing suitcase.
3:45: Shuttle to hotel. Traffic is a mess due to the storm and tornadoes, etc., in Denver. (Hail, electrical storm, tornadoes, you know, Northwest Airlines is starting to feel like the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse (Oh, never mind... that's Dick Cheney)).
4:45: Get to hotel. Check in. Say hi to my friend Joyce who is running the meeting. I'm invited to dinner at the hotel's expense with Joyce and Stephanie and Kristy, the staff of the management company that runs the association.
5:00: Get in room. Unpack. Plug in computer. Go online. Bunch of e-mail. Another movie producer is interested in THE DEVIL'S PITCHFORK. Another publisher had rejected my children's novel. Back-and-forthing with Medicare/Medicaid, etc. E-mail from my sister about my aunt, who had a massive stroke this weekend.
6:05: Head downstairs to meet Joyce and Stephanie and try to find the fitness center. Run into Maryann and Francine, who owe me a drink from when I gave them my complementary bottle of wine from last year's meeting. We chat.
6:15: Go to seafood restaurant. Food's excellent, but the service (or at least the kitchen) was sloooooowwwwww.
8:20: Back to the hotel. Call my wife. Note that it is 10:20 back home. I've been on the go since 9 this morning. Running out of steam. Check e-mail again because it looks like my sister called while I was gone.
8:50: Decide I'd better glance through the agenda for tomorrow's meeting so I know when I'm supposed to give my update on the journal. Decide to blog. Need to either place a wake-up call or try to figure out the alarm clock here in the room.
9:00: Time to crash. Need to get up at 6:30 tomorrow.
Mark Terry
It's an adventure, though! I hope you have a better day tomorrow! And lots of fun and friends, too!
I was just reading about 4 inches of hail in Denver...and you were there! Whoa. You forgot the "have several beers" part before crashing. Man, I'd be shaking. But, hey, free food! Also publishers suecxs. (Except whichever ones finally buy the books) But then we all know that. (Hey, my word verification is "suecxs")
Whew! I'm exhausted just reading this.
Have a great time out there in Denver.
I'm actually jealous! Except for the whole tornado/slash hail thing. Devil's Pitchfork would make a great movie...you can tell them "we" said so. (That's the same thing as the infamous "they" said so) What book did you pick up for the long plane ride?
I broguth along:
"The Sacred Cut" by David Hewson. I've been struggling with it. He's a beautiful writer, but the pace is slow.
"Escape Clause" by James Born. Started it after putting Hewson's book aside. Definitely my kind of book.
I also brought "Daughter of God" by Lewis Perdue and "No Man's Land" by G.M. Ford, but circumstances that I will mention shortly, have cut my trip short.
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