Welcome Back My Friends...

I just wanted to take a moment here. Yesterday marked the Official Start of Mark Terry's Book Marketing Season 2007. Yes, the MTBMS07 has begun. (Otherwise known as Mark's Mystical Dog-And-Pony Show: come see the elephant stand on the beachball... It's not that we expect to see it done well, we're just surprised to see it done at all!)
I kicked off the MTBMS07 with a mass e-mail (some call it SPAM, but we call it an e-newsletter, ain't the Internet great?) sent out to my mailing list. It announced the impending publication of the second Derek Stillwater novel, THE SERPENT'S KISS, which is to be published July 1, 2007.
We followed this up with with AuthorBuzz. This bit appeared in an online newsletter called ShelfAwareness, and also appears in separate mailings.
In addition, I got about 700 postcards out late last week aimed at libraries. I've got a couple thousand more waiting me aimed primarily at independent bookstores.
Once THE SERPENT'S KISS comes out, I'll be hitting bookstores to sign stock and whatever other promotional in-person opportunities present themselves.
If you're new to this blog as the result of one of these devious marketing ploys, welcome. There's a Derek Stillwater short story for free on the site called "11 Minutes" as well as another short story, "Just As Dead," that features consulting forensic toxicologist Dr. Theo MacGreggor, as well as sample chapters from my four books.
If you're an old friend and visitor, hello. Step right up, have a seat, Mark's Amazing Dog-And-Pony Show is about to begin.
Hurry, hurry, hurry! Boyzzzz and girlzzzz, see the Amazing Mark Terry and his Dancing Elephant!
Mark Terry
Hah! Best of luck! It sounds like you're psyched (or at least doing a good job of sounding that way, LOL). It has to be infectious!
That's because I think The Serpent's Kiss rocks. :)
Best of luck with the fun promotional-ly (word?not) stuff! Stillwater short stories...what a great idea! off to read!
I looking forward to Derek saving the world and/or quitting his job again. Also, I'm sure you've written about this before, but an agent wants me to send them a 3-8 synopis w/ my partial. Any quick tips?
Good work on the promo blitz. I saw the AuthorBuzz placement on my "Shelf Awareness" daily e-mail. Hope that turns into a steady flow of pre-orders.
Good luck. The only real advice I have about synopses was given to me by my agent, who said to keep it short because editors and agents hate to read them. I think what they're looking for is "conflict" and "character" interaction and "overall arc." So in that respect, don't tease, but show that the story does actually have an ending.
Thanks for the advice, Mark. I appreciate it.
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