On Your Reading Radar

March 7, 2007
I'm trying to at least mention titles by Midnight Ink authors when they come out (at least until their catalogue gets too large). This one comes with a bit of a preface. I received an e-mail Monday from Susan Goodwill, who, as it turns out, lives quite close to me in neighboring Waterford. Proof, after all, that although the world can be a big place, it can be a small one, too.
This sounds like a funny, silly romp, which, as cozies go, are the ones I like.
The title link goes to Amazon.com and the Susan Goodwill link takes you to her website.
Good luck, Susan!
Mark Terry
Thanks, Mark!
Like you say in your previous post, the glamorous writer's life, right...
Now, instead of wearing cool designer shoes, I put 'em on my protagonist. I write about her solving crimes while I wears fuzzy slippers and sweats.
Yeah, most of my adventures take place in my head.
Pardon the typo in my earlier post. Hopefully my fingers were a little more nimble in BrigaDOOM, if not, thank God for the editors. Yep, writers, we're legends in our own minds!
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